➜ THE UK’S OFFICIAL PROP MONEY SUPPLIER FOR THE TV AND FILM INDUSTRY – USED ON MAJOR TV AND FILM PRODUCTIONS YouTube, Dragons Den Styled Shoots, Instagram, Music Videos, play toy money, casino companies, poker tournaments, monopoly games, photo booth props, game shows. ➜YOU GET 300 £50 POUND NOTES SINGLE SIDED PROP MONEY AT last, a way for UK film makers to use prop money whilst staying inside the law, after extensive communication with the BOE we have finally produced a product that adheres to the legal requirements, and still looks amazing on film. The legal changes will not take away the authenticity when captured on film or photo. ➜ THE WIDE STRAP COVERS THE WORD “specimen” The notes printed top side and the bottom note printed back side, looks authentic when viewed from any angle. ➜ GIVE YOUR FILMS THE AUTHENTIC LOOK with this £15000 pounds Stack of 50 pound notes. ➜ WRAPPED WITH AN AUTHENTIC UK CURRENCY BANK STRAP with an extra strap FREE OF CHARGE. ➜ CREATED BY LEADING INDUSTRY SPECIALISTS Don’t fake money it, get the best, every stack inspected to guarantee you a premium product. ➜ LOOKS AND FEELS AS CLOSE TO REAL MONEY whilst adhering to the legal requirements of Prop Money Production.