Classic 380 ml mug, made from high-quality New Bone China porcelain, it is characterised by an elegant and natural cream-white colour with a delicate shine and exceptional strength, while maintaining lightness and celebrity. The line features an ornament of swirling leaves and floral branches and a field flower on a dark green background. The expressive background colour combined with subtle decorative colours gives the collection an original style and elegance. William Morris was an English painter, drafter, architect, designer, writer and poet of Welsh origin, from the 19th century. He was a leading member of the Arts & Crafts Movement and his view of the interconnection of art and industry laid the foundation for the development of the design. It actively promotes the joy of crafts and the beauty of nature. The characteristic patterns for Morris, inspired by swirling vines, floral motifs and imaginatively interwoven leaves, can be found on wallpaper and fabrics, and now also on our porcelain products such as cups and mugs packed in effective and aesthetic gift packaging. DUO products are original tableware collections made from high-quality porcelain, characterised by a tasteful design and elegant and aesthetic gift packaging.