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multiplate is a tile of self-locking type, draining and antitacco, made of plastic material of dimensions 55.5 x 55.5 cm with thickness 1.2 cm, Diponibile in various colours. Ideal for making a self-locking floor Modular both inside and outside and in the garden. multiplate is non-slip and moisture. Thanks to the number of support pegs that allow the passage of air and water, the surface remains dry and easy to clean. multiplate is a highly flexible product and is equipped with innovative patented piedini-cerniera which allow the flooring to adapt to the shape of the plan of support whether it is lawn, sand, earth, concrete or other. multiplate applies to clip, it is lightweight to carry and allows repeated movements. Made from recycled plastic. Attention: The use places susceptible to changes in thermal or direct exposure to the sun can cause dilatations important that may cause the curvature of the floor. Provide gaskets or suited to situations separations.