Visit the Pet Supplies Store for a huge selection of pet supplies from great brands at top prices.
There are over 3,000 products in the Petface range, within 17 brands; covering collars and leads, feeding, bedding and toys across Dog, cat, small pet and wild bird categories. Our philosophy is to make wild bird care more appealing; not only for the experienced Consumer, but also for the new younger market who already have pets but want to understand more about bird feeding. The 80 new product lines are dominated by our signature loktop and classic loktop feeders. Our unique loktop mealworm feeder won best pet . wildlife product at glee 2015! in addition we have added many fantastic accessories, seed and suet feeds, bird Baths and nesting boxes. Our fresh look approach to bird, we believe, is interesting, easy for consumers to navigate and looks incredible in store!
Each order comes with 1 x LokTop Squirrel Proof Seed Feeder