Module 470 mm – of the origin. The surface of 470 x 61.88 mm is the basis for the geometry of the PIKO A track. These measurements are not chosen at random. They are the result of precise studies calculated on high-performance CAD systems that meet the demands of play and model railways alike. In this grid, almost all track figures can be represented extremely easily – without the use of small compensation pieces: elegant branches in the straight or in the arch, different parallel track distances with the possibility to install existing accessories, such as railways etc. The simple grid eliminates the need for complicated track stencils. With a simple checked paper, track figures can be drawn and the required need for track elements can be determined. The track geometry. The special thing about the Piko A-track geometry is that it comes with very few track elements and the model railway does not have to install at switches or crossings compensation pieces, which can always lead to a restless run of the model railway. The module length of 470 mm is divided into two different lengths of 231 mm and 239 mm. This is the secret to being able to drive parallel tracks over two switches without balancing pieces. The track The PIKO A track profile is made of a high-quality nickel silver alloy and is a full profile track with ideal power conducting properties even on long distances. The spring steel rail connectors ensure a durable and firm hold and ensure a good current transition on the rail joints. The thresholds are made of high-quality ABS plastic, which is characterised by high impact resistance, good sound absorption capacity and voltage crack resistance. Piko no., version, length, radius, angle, additional description, package: 55222, arc switch left, -, R1 + R2 / R2 + R3, 15°, manual operation with positioning, piece.
Not suitable for children under 3 years. Danger of swallowing small pieces.