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TAP Sparkle – Water Feature Cleaner. Sizes Available: 130ml – Treats 60L 330ml – Treats 120L Pond water features come in all different sizes and designs – some of the more elaborate designs can become very tricky to clean. By simply adding Sparkle to any water feature, any old, dirty water will turn crystal clear in a matter of minutes. For best results, add 1 capful of Sparkle powder per 20 litres into any aquatic water feature. After adding the correct amount into your running water feature, Sparkle will quickly dilute into the water. Allow the pond water feature to run continuously. If water conditions have not improved after 24 of the first dose, another may be added. *Please Note: DO NOT use in ponds that contain fish. This product should NOT to be used in any pond water containing live plants or livestock.
TAP Sparkle Feature Cleaner