Bio-Synergy Glutamine Capsules, Better Muscle Recovery for More Growth, Fuel Your Body with Building Blocks for Growing Strong Muscles, Packed with Amino Acid to Support Body’s Protein – 90 Capsules

NZD $103.99

  • If you’re lifting weights or training at a high intensity, Bio-Synergy L-Glutamine Capsules can fuel your body with the building blocks for growing strong, healthy muscles.
  • If you’re lifting weights or training at a high intensity, Bio-Synergy L-Glutamine Capsules can fuel your body with the building blocks for growing strong, healthy muscles.
  • To recover from a brutal workout as fast as possible, you need amino acids from protein to repair the micro-tears in your muscle fibres.
  • As the most abundant amino acid in the body, glutamine amps up your recovery rate by supporting your body’s synthesis of protein.
  • minimises muscle breakdown, which is especially important if you’re looking to lose body fat but keep the muscle.
  • glutamine also acts as a transporter, it plays a major role in the distribution of protein within the body.

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As the most abundant amino acid in the body, glutamine amps up your recovery rate by supporting your body’s synthesis of protein. It also minimises muscle breakdown, which is especially important if you’re looking to lose body fat but keep the muscle. As glutamine also acts as a transporter, it plays a major role in the distribution of protein within the body. This helps to send the nutrition from proteins to the muscles that need it most Bio-Synergy L-Glutamine is designed to help your recovery after intense exercise, so you can build a more toned, muscular physique. Glutamine is an essential amino acid that your muscles need to function. It’s also one of the most vital building blocks of proteins and can help with preventing muscles from being broken down. Many endurance and strength athletes experience muscle fatigue, which can not only hinder optimum performance but delay recovery too. Glutamine is found in many forms of protein, such as whey and casein protein. But taking Bio-Synergy L-Glutamine provides you with a reserve supply of glutamine to help restore amino levels that are diminished during training. This can help to supercharge your recovery. All in all, Bio-Synergy L-Glutamine Capsules are a powerful post workout supplement that contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
Amount per serving: L-Glutamine 2000 mg

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Weight 0.118 kg



‎5 x 5 x 10 cm; 60 Grams