Thorne Research – L-Glutamine Powder – Glutamine Powder for GI Health and Immune Function – 18.1 oz


  • Supplement diet _ Tico

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Horse research _ N provides L-Glutamine in a convenient and cost-effective powder for ease of management _ N of supplementation in large amounts. L-Glutamine is the amino acid _ m _ s frequent in the Torrent Sangu _ Neo. Found in high concentraci _ N in the m _ sculo esquel _ Tico and the Pulm _. The H _ gad. the brain and the gastrointestinal tissues. The M _ sculo esquel _ Tico contains the greatest intracellular concentraci _ N glutamin. comprising up to 60 percent of the total stores of Glutamine cuerp. and the M _ sculo is the primary dep _ storage site and exporter of glutamine to other tissues. Without embarg. the gastrointestinal tract is the greatest user of glutamine in the body because glutamine provides the primary fuel for the C absorci _ N _ Lulas nutrients that cover the walls of the small intestine. Several factors stressful _ _ _ such as traumatismo. infeccione. malnutrici _. The quimioterapi. and other _ _ _ can affect the normal function _ N enterocitos of the small intestine to adversely affect the way it absorb substances. By ejempl. when alters the permeability of the intestine which can allow large Mol _ culas Prote _ NAS that broadcast via bowel _ s _ _ _ that otherwise not _ _ _ and enter in the Torrent Sangu _ Neo. The body can identify these major Mol NAS Prote _ _ culas as outer and assemble a reacci _ N immune against ello. which can result in the development of dietary allergies. In numerous studies in animale. in the prompts that piloted the permeability of Hiper intestin. Adici _ N of glutamine improvement of the function as permeabilida. _ N _ as the immune function _ N The Intestine. Under certain circumstances the body tissues need m _ s Glutamine that the quantity supplied by the diet and the internal production _ N
One Scoop (5.7 g) Contains: L-Glutamine 5 g. Other Ingredients: None

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Weight 0.63 kg

Thorne Research
